ProSkin Clinic & Health UK Ltd Complaints Policy


Our priority is for you to be completely satisfied with the service you receive from ProSkin Clinic & Health UK Ltd. We take great pride in providing an outstanding level of service, and we always aim to meet and exceed the highest level of standards in everything we do.

Complaints are extremely rare, but we take them seriously, so we have a complaints policy and process we follow to make sure things are put right where needed and we learn from your feedback.


This policy applies to all clients of ProSkin Clinic & Health UK ltd including clients, their families, and other individuals who have received services from the clinic.

Policy Purpose:

All Clients have a clear and accessible process for voicing their concerns or to make a complaint.

To ensure that all complaints are addressed and resolved in a fair and timely manner.

All feedback is recorded and monitored for continuous improvement in our Clinic services.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction or concern raised by a client, their family, or another individual who has received services from ProSkin Clinic & Health UK Ltd. It represents a valuable form of feedback that provides us with an opportunity to address issues, improve the quality of our services, and strengthen the client-clinic relationship.

A complaint may involve a wide range of issues, including but not limited to:

  • Clinic Care: Concerns related to the quality of treatment.
  • Staff Conduct: Complaints about the behaviour, attitude, or professionalism of service providers or clinic staff.
  • Appointment scheduling: Grievances related to appointment scheduling, wait times, or difficulties in accessing our services.
  • Billing and Payments: Disputes concerning billing practices or fees charged for services.
  • Clinic Conditions: Complaints about the cleanliness, maintenance, or safety of the clinic premises.
  • Communication: Issues with communication, including difficulties in obtaining information or understanding pre and post treatment instructions.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality: Concerns about the privacy and confidentiality of personal information.
  • Access to treatments: Complaints about the availability and accessibility of our services.
  • Customer Service: Matters related to the behaviour and responsiveness of customer service representatives or front desk staff.
  • Other concerns: Any other matters that affect the client’s experience or satisfaction with the clinic’s services.


1. Informal Resolution

a. We encourage clients to address their concerns directly with the service provider or staff member involved, as they may be able to resolve the issue immediately.

b. Clients who are uncomfortable discussing their concerns with the provider or staff member involved should speak to the clinic manager or designated staff member.

2. Formal Complaint

a. Clients who are not satisfied with the resolution at the informal stage or who prefer a formal process should submit a written complaint. Complaints can be submitted in person at the clinic, via email, letter or through a dedicated complaint form available at the clinic.

How a complaint can be made

  • In Clinic – Client complaint form
  • Email – Directly to our clinic manager
  • Letter – Addressed to, Clinic Manager, Ashleigh Goodwin, ProSkin Clinic & Health UK Ltd, 2
  • Pullman Court, Great Western Road, Gloucester, GL1 3ND

b. The written complaint should include the following information:

– Full name of the client.

– Contact information (phone number, address, email).

– Date and time of the incident.

– Description of the complaint, including the names of any individuals involved.

– Any relevant supporting documentation (if available).

If you have already left the clinic, please contact us as soon as possible and allow us to view the areas treated, please do not visit another clinic until you have done so. We will arrange a suitable time for you to come back into our clinic and discuss your complaint in private.

3. Acknowledgement

a. Upon receiving a formal complaint, ProSkin Clinic & Health UK Ltd will send an acknowledgment of receipt to the client within 2 business days, confirming that the complaint is under investigation.

4. Investigation

a. The clinic manager or a designated staff member will conduct a thorough and impartial investigation into the complaint.

b. During the investigation, the clinic may seek additional information from the client, service providers, or staff involved, as needed

5. Resolution

The clinic will strive to resolve the complaint within 14 business days of receiving it.

The resolution may include corrective actions, such as changes in clinic policies, staff training, or direct communication with the client.

6. Notification

ProSkin Clinic & Health UK Ltd will communicate the resolution of the complaint to the client in writing or verbally, based on the client’s preference.

7. Escalation

If the client remains dissatisfied with the resolution, they may request an escalation of their complaint to an external alternative dispute resolution (ADR) service registered with Trading Standards.

8. Documentation

a. The clinic will maintain detailed records of all complaints, investigations, and resolutions for a minimum of 5 years.

9. Confidentiality

All client complaints and related information will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, following applicable Data Protection laws and regulations regarding the privacy of information.

10. Review and Continuous Improvement

This policy will be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure its effectiveness in addressing client complaints. Feedback from clients will be used as an opportunity for continuous improvement in clinic services.

11. Conclusion

ProSkin Clinic & Health UK Ltd is committed to providing excellent services and addressing client concerns promptly and professionally. This complaint procedure policy aims to ensure transparency, accountability, and client satisfaction in our clinic’s operations. Clients are encouraged to provide feedback to help us maintain the highest standards of care.